Sopot: Grand Hotel
Sopot: Villa, ul. Jana Jerzego Haffnera
Sopot: "If only I was........"
Gdańsk: Bazylika Mariacka, Black Madonna and Crowned Eagle
Gdańsk: Public Works Pilgrimage Plaque (manhole cover)
Gdańsk: ul.Mariacka, stair detail
Gdańsk: ul.Mariacka - It's a Dog's Life!
Gdańsk: ul.Mariacka
Warsaw: Kolumna Zygmunta, survived the '44 Uprising
Warsaw: no comment
Warsaw: Wilanów; "I take an occasional peek...."
Warsaw: Wilanów; Dizzy Stairs
Warsaw: Garage Chopin
Łódź: andel's Hotel - BEST textile mill conversion
Łódź: Patriotic Autumn Wedding
Łódź: Forty Five Years of Lenin's Loving Care
Łódź: putting colour into socialist neglect, the one thing they couldn't extinguish was Spirit
Łódź: Stalled Revival Effort
Łódź: Film Museum
Kraków Rooftops in the Shadow of Wawel Castle
Kraków: Basilica of The Virgin Mary
Kraków: Sukiennice (Drapers' Hall)
Ojców National Park, nr. Kraków